What is medsinfo.com.au?

This website is the centralised source of approved Australian medicine information for consumers and health professionals that is up to date and free of charge.

This website contains information on medicines in the form of Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) and Product Information (PI) in the latest versions provided by the pharmaceutical companies. These companies are required by the regulatory agency to keep the PIs and CMIs up to date as new information becomes available. This website is updated within hours of release of the CMI or PI by the pharmaceutical company.

The CMI and PI documents, are sourced from and authored by the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture and/or distribute these medicines. The manufacturer/distributor information is contained within each document, in addition to the document revision or release date.

Our aim is to support Australia’s national strategy for the Quality Use of Medicines, whose goal is to make the best possible use of medicines to improve health outcomes for all Australians.

medsinfo.com.au is owned and managed by MedAdvisor International Pty Ltd.

MedAdvisor has a centralised system called the Secure Data Warehouse (SDWH) to manage and distribute Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) and Product Information (PI) for pharmaceutical companies to organisations that require this information.

MedAdvisor’s SDWH, ensures pharmacies, health organisations, medical publishers, government bodies, TGA and other organisations that use CMI and PI have the most up to date versions in a format that meets their needs.

MedAdvisor is recognised by Australian health professionals as a trusted partner in providing a range of customised internet solutions. It works closely with various health organisations and pharmaceutical companies.

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MedAdvisor International Pty Limited
ABN 40 161 366 589
Suite 2, Level 7, 500 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
