What is CMI?

The Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) is intended to provide you with information and instructions that will allow you to use your medicine safely and effectively. It is prepared according to specific guidelines that ensure the information is accurate, unbiased and easy to understand. CMIs are available for most prescription and some non-prescription medicines.

The CMI has a standard format that includes clear headings in a logical sequence. It contains simple instructions and straightforward explanations of what you need to do to get the best results from your medicine. The CMI is designed to help you locate the information you need easily, without having to search.

The CMI provides you with important information you should consider before, during and after taking your medicine. The CMI will help you to discuss with your doctor or pharmacist any questions or concerns you have about the medicine.

Keep it handy so you can refer to it later in discussions with your doctor or pharmacist.

For a more detailed description of the contents of a CMI, see the Glossary.


Reading the CMI does not take the place of counselling by a health professional. Always talk to your doctor or pharmacist about all aspects of your medicines, including why you are taking them and what benefits / risks you can expect.

The CMI for your medicine that is on this web site is the most up-to-date version available. It may differ from a CMI that you previously received from your doctor or pharmacist, or in your pack of medicine.

This web site does not contain all CMIs for medicines sold in Australia and not all medicines have a CMI available for them. If you do not find a CMI for your medicine on this page, contact the pharmaceutical company who makes the medicine or talk to your doctor or pharmacist. The information on this web site is intended for use in Australia only.

Note: many documents on this web site are PDF files that can be downloaded and saved. If you do not have a PDF reader, you can download one now.

Product Name: the name given to the medicine by the company that makes the medicine. There may be more than one brand name if more than one company makes the medicine.

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